Wednesday 17 July 2024

Psalm 139:15

Psalm 139:15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

I'm starting a study on the Psalms. Actually I'm retraining myself, disciplining myself to get into God's word again. I've been away from it for too long now. I know some of the scriptures and I'm able to draw on these often, but I know that God wants me to come to Him, to know Him and not just know of Him through His word. Because I have not been delving into God's word as I used to, I started to feel guilty about not spending enough time with him...and then I would 'ghost' Him (as the kids say these days). But as I talked with God, He reminded me that He's not demanding or forceful. He's expectant, loving, and with me....well, He is patient (thanks God- I really appreciate it!). I really appreciate God's faithfulness, even and especially because I'm not always faithful to my end of our relationship, i.e. coming to Him and finding out what He has in store for my life, and those who I love and care for- His people.

Anyway, I digress, but I feel I needed to let you/ me know the context of this study. I spoke to God and said, "I just don't know where to start?! I feel like I've been away from your word for such a long time"; and this is where He led me to. Start with the Psalms. The songs that were in someone's heart, who also went through stuff and had to hold on to God and figure things out and cry out, celebrate, anticipate and mostly just sing through their situations, knowing that God was listening. God was loving them. He was loving them throughout it all. 

I returned to Psalm 139 because in my walk with God, when I came to know Him as a follower of Christ, this Psalm was given to me, by both God Himself and significant people who ministered to me at that time. This Psalm confirmed for me that God made me. Uniquely made me, specifically as me and no one else. He designed my life and destined me to have a purpose in His kingdom. He used this Psalm to confirm that He had indeed called me and that He was real. That He wanted to be real to me, to have a relationship and not be this distant, far away God that sat on a throne and was waiting for judgement day or something like that. I mean I know now that He is seated in Heavenly places, but actually, as this Psalm says, He is everywhere. And He is everywhere that matters, everywhere that is relevant and related to you, because that's what a loving relationship with Him is. He is there for you. He is here for us.

So, I woke up this morning and read Psalm 139, and the scripture I was drawn to was Ps139:15- the bit about being woven. The word woven, the end result of being weaved together, resonated with me. I immediately thought about a whakatauki (Maori proverb) that we've been talking about this year and even this week, i.e. Whiria te tangata- weave the people together. Whiria means to weave. I used to play netball for a team called Whiria. Most of the team were either Maori or Pasifika. At the time I didn't think about what the name meant. But this morning as I thought about that, I remember learning so much that netball season. Much about myself, because it was the first time that I'd had really good coaching and I wanted to excel for myself and also for the team. I played in positions that I'd never really had positive experiences in, i.e. defence- but what I learned in defence, actually helped me in my attack game. That season, I learned how not to be intimidated, but to stand my ground. I discovered that I was a really good encourager, and how that encouraging others and my ability to analyse game play and knowing others strengths and what they brought to the team- these were all things that confirmed the way God had shaped me as a leader. I wasn't the fittest or fastest in the team, not by a long shot. But I think I was the most faithful in terms of wanting to learn. Wanting to progress and improve over the season. 

God is a weaver. When I looked up the word Whiria, it said, 'to twist, to weave', and Whiri is a three strand cord or rope, like a handle on a kete (basket). God weaves us together. Individually and corporately. God I think you are reminding me that I can follow your example. To know that it is You who have woven me. You have made me who I am. As you've said in your word: Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be; Ps 139:16. God it is You who weaves the people, and it is through You that the people will be woven together for Your purpose, Your glory. And as I'm called, particularly reminded this year of that whakatauki, Whiria te tangata, it's timely that I'm reminded about how and more importantly Who leads me and equips me to do such a thing. 

Lord thank you for your word. For your teaching and the love you have for me/ us that never gives up on us, even though we stray and get lost, you definitely come and search for us. You not only search for me, but you search me as in this Psalm, and you lead me in the way everlasting. Lord, thank you for this teaching. Lead me in the way everlasting. Amen.

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