Monday, 30 January 2012


I cleaned up my desktop today. Discovered a few poems I've written so far this year. Hadn't realised I'd been inspired a few times to do this...hmmm something for me to think about.

Fear and Love

Both of these things can drive you

Fear says you are not enough
Love says I am more than enough

Fear says you are unable to do it
Love reminds you, you are enabled by love.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Fear says bad things will happen, hard times will come.
Love says bad things will happen, hard times will come, BUT none of these things can overpower the LOVE of God for you and in you. LOVE NEVER FAILS: LOVE OVERCOMES.

Fear is deficit thinking- points out inadequacies.
Love is abundance thinking- knows no bounds, is endless, limitless.

Fear of failure.
LOVE NEVER FAILS. Love focuses on what is right, the heart of the matter.

2 Tim 1
Paul is encouraging Timothy to remember his heritage of faith, passed down from his faithful grandmother and mother…

Fan into flame the gift of God which is in you…For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of POWER, of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND [SELF DISCIPLINE]”

Escape Poem

When I run away
I come to this place
Of safety
Where these words
They call out to me
Sit with us
Talk with us awhile
Lets make something of this
And then
Before you know it
I’ve forgotten what I left behind
Taken up with them
Listened and heard
They’ve spelt out
What could not have read
In myself
(I'm not quite sure if this poem is finished yet... might get back to it)


You ask me, “What was my biggest one?”
I think and tell you what you know already
It’s true, all the planning
Preparation and anticipation
The look on your face
That was it.
But when I think on it again
Your question…surprises.
It’s the little things
That take me there, breathless
The fairy lights you bought
Thousands of them
Hung in the tree in our front yard
Just because
I’d said, how one day I wanted
Mine to be like that
And how you set it up outside
My bedroom, so that each night
In those hot summer months
There they’d be, twinkling away.
Or the poems you’ve written me
Over the years
When I’d come home
Wondering what kind of mood you’d be in
Only to find, that all day you’ve written
And rewritten, crafted to perfection
Your heart words spoken just for me.
It’s not so much the big surprises
(although I love these too).
It’s just the fact that you listen
With your eyes and your heart
To the real me
And then you take time to consider
And to respond- in love
I know I shouldn’t be,
But it always takes me by surprise
Just how much I then realise
You love me, and I you.

For my Malcolm
Love you, Pato 


I’m all adrift on this ocean of distraction

I want to reach the shore

Just not the one I started out from

But here I go as though I don’t have a rudder

As though I’m being tossed ever so violently

Against my will

Yet I know this to be true

It’s me that’s taken over control

I might not be steering this anywhere fast

Anywhere soon

But I have the choice

To take up that direction

To aim it to where He has shown me to go

To persevere because it’s there where my promise lies

Waiting, destined, ready

And here I sit, waiting, maybe to be hit by the wave of fate, unaware

Overboard and overwhelmed

BUT fear not! … He has reminded me

All you have to do is cry out to Me

To ask Me anything in His name

And, I, Yes it is I, who will come to you.

I will fill your sails with my breath

I will guide you safely

To where I will be waiting for you

Final destination. 
My home
Is with Him