Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Just ask

Last week I had this meeting that I was unsure of how it would go. I had to guide a team through some strategic planning. It's always an unknown when you're working with a group of people who may have varying ideas. Before I went to the meeting, I had a prayer walk early that morning. I was asking God for His help. I was especially asking him to show me in His word if there was anything that might help me. He gave me Ephesians Chapter 32 to look up. I found in Eph 32:8 "A noble man makes noble plans and by noble deeds he stands". He reminded me to look beyond myself and remember who I am doing this for- firstly for Him and then for His people. It helped me to know that God was so direct in His word to me about this specific request/ situation. It reminded me that I am noble- through Him. I am of noble stock! Therefore I can make noble plans, and when I undertake noble deeds, I can stand. Yes- I can stand against the attacks of the enemy. I can take a stand for the Lord. I can stand in the position where he has placed me. I can stand.
Lord- thank you again that you answer my prayers. You never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you that you reminded me to believe in the plans I was helping to shape- because You authorised me to do that. You also showed me to go ahead and keep doing good deeds- to be a blessing to others. And lastly, you reminded me not to be anxious for anything. If I need help, just come to you. Just ask!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

It’s just easier

Poem I wrote the other night, thinking about what happens when someone disconnects because they can't face their own pain, and over time, the difficulty that happens when reconnection is wanted...but is not always as easy as 'picking up where we left off'...

It’s just easier

It’s easier to be angry at you
To hold you at arms [or more] length
To distance myself
From you
To not allow myself to get close
Or any closer

For doing that would mean
I would be close enough
To feel your pain
To know what it must be like for you
The rawness of it
I’m in protection mode
Don’t want to go there
And wonder if I can ever come back

Yet, when I step further back
As I imagine what it is like
Coming closer
I can see and feel
That, my retreating
Hasn’t totally closed me off
I am changed anyway
And is it for the better?

Would I have not been better off
Just coming there
Right where you were
Right where you needed me
Right when you needed me the most
Yes, I would have been impacted
No doubt
But we could have worked through this together
We could have been changed for the better

Is it too late
I really don’t know
I want to say, I’m sorry
I messed up, I should have been a better….
I should have…
And now, I watch you
From far off
I stand there, in regret
Silence and pretending this will all just go away
As you have done
And I think for now
It’s just easier

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Covered by His....GRACE

Grace. Last week God showed me this word several times each day. U2 was my favourite band growing up. Love this song, and love the lyrics, that remind us of God's amazing grace. That He took it all, all of it, upon Himself- and He covered us with His grace, and wiped it all out- cleansed us and made us forever free in Him. And all because He loved us, and loves us still...

She takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name

It's a name for a girl
It's also a thought that changed the world
And when she walks on the street
You can hear the strings
Grace finds goodness in everything

Grace, she's got the walk
Not on a ramp or on chalk
She's got the time to talk
She travels outside of karma
She travels outside of karma
When she goes to work
You can hear her strings
Grace finds beauty in everything

Grace, she carries a world on her hips
No champagne flute for her lips
No twirls or skips between her fingertips
She carries a pearl in perfect condition

What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things

Grace makes beauty out of ugly things

Music: U2
Lyrics: Bono

Here's what Bono writes about God's grace... Love it, love it, love it!

“…it is my favourite word in the lexicon of the English language. It’s a word I’m depending on. The universe operates by Karma, we all know that. For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. There is some atonement built in: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Then enters Grace and turns that upside down. I love it. I’m not talking about people being graceful in their actions but just covering over the cracks. Christ’s ministry really was a lot to do with pointing out how everybody is a screw up in some shape or form, there’s no way around it. But then He was to say, well, I am going to deal with those sins for you. I will take on Myself all the consequences of sin. Even if you’re not religious I think you’d accept that there are consequences to all the mistakes we make. And so Grace enters the picture to say, “ I’ll take the blame, I’ll carry your cross”. It is a powerful idea. Grace interrupting Karma.