Anyway- the word Overwhelm keeps entering my mind.
I guess right now I feel overwhelmed with what life is presenting- or maybe it's my perception, and I'm so into the depths of being overcome by it all, that I can't see things rationally.
When I write: overwhelmed, I immediately think- therefore I must overcome.
Just as I wrote that I heard- 'No, it is I that will overcome'.
When I am in the midst of this storm- feeling overwhelmed
He will overcome anything that threatens to harm me, destroy me, take me out
God has promised He will never leave me nor forsake me
His plans for me, are for good and not for evil
To give me a future and a hope
God loves me so much that He is willing to lay down His life for me
He already has
It is finished
So that my life, new life, can begin in Him
This battle, this overwhelming feeling, things, piling on top of me
Only He can overcome this- but first I must surrender
God reminded me last night that I am His beloved
If I am to be His beloved, then I must learn to 'be loved'
To openly, willingly, lovingly receive His love for me
Nothing attached, no price to pay= just to love Him too
My problem, probably like yours
Is my own WILLingness
To lay down what I naively hold dear
And to take Him, His hand, and hold this as though (no because), my life depends on it, on Him.
Overcome- I can be overcome, or I can overcome
Life can happen to me, or I can happen to life
It's a choice made available to me, allowed by Him
God cheers me on
He knows I can do all things through Him who strengthens me
I won't be overcome, I will overcome
He can't be overcome, His is the overcomer
And He will overcome!

"You choose the life you live"- I choose life.
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