Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Space Distractions

Yesterday I woke up and got myself and Rose off to the Tuesday morning 6am prayer meeting. Two words that were on my heart leading up to this meeting was 'distraction' and 'space'. The Lord was showing me that one of the enemy's greatest weapons is to use distractions to take us off our focus on Him; to take us away from what and where He has called us to do and be. If he can just lure us away, temptations, he knows he has opened up the way to get lost again. It's so easy isn't it. This can happen so subtly that we don't even see it coming until it's too late and we have wondered off. It can happen in so many different areas of our lives. For me it's my smartphone. Sometimes I just can't help but look at it to see what is happening in the news, what is happening on Facebook, what the time is in London, what the weather is in Honolulu...and the list goes on. I think it has the potential to reduce my focus and concentration span as there is such a large array of things that I could be looking at on the smartphone that I might just stop looking more intensely into something that I should be focusing on. My attention is being drawn on in all directions.
So what am I to do about that? Boundaries. Prayer. Focus. Stand. Fight. Be. Healing.
Space: our church has created a video on their website that promotes that there is space for everyone in our church. The Lord has shown me that this space is not just in the physical spaces of the church building or the carpark. It's not even about carving out space in the way we run our services. It's about a space in the kingdom. It's about a space, that once declared as one's own, then becomes your place. It's about creating space within our hearts for those who need to come and be loved and cared for. It's about space to breath and feel like you are not going to suffocate because there is no more space for air. This week there have been a few articles or just little things around creating space within your life in order for you to breath and feel like you can have room for yourself and others. They've been about 'decluttering' your space, in order for you to let go of unnecessary things in your space, in your life. Sometimes we hold on and build up, and those things suffocate us in the end. They drain the very life out of us. Perhaps this is a word for the church. Just like what someone prophesied...there will be things that we will just stop doing, just because it has become a habit- but if it is not serving THE purpose, then why continue? It's a word for me personally- this I know.
The relationship between space and distraction is this. Sometimes people can fill up their space with distractions. We can feel uncomfortable with all this space (in our homes, diets, time, hearts...), because without the clutter- we have nothing to fluff around about, nothing to moan about, nothing to say "I'm just so busy/ bogged down/ overwhelmed". Without the clutter there is just a 'me and Him' and a 'me and you'.
So what does this mean for me. I need to make space in my life. To declutter and to prioritise what is important that gets left there and what gets moved out or moving on from.
My priorities are:
Relationship with Father God;
Relationship with myself- my own health and wellbeing...yikes this has been at the bottom of the list for so long...hmmmm
My kids, our family
Family- extended
Church- oops, haven't really prioritised this for a while
Friends, Social life

I'm going to pray about this more. Lord help me in turning away from distractions (temptations). Lead me in the way everlasting.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory FOREVER and ever

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