Monday, 28 November 2011

Mighty Men of Valour...

Found this too...I can't sleep so am going through some of my personal stuff saved on my computer. It's great to look back sometimes and see just how far you've come in your walk with the Lord, and to think there's so much more He has in stored for us. How cool is that?!

Mighty Men of Valour

Mighty men are prepared for war and numbered.

God assigns a number to His ‘mighty men of valour’.

When God assigns a number to His mighty men of valour, as always there is more to this than meets the eye. God in His wisdom is doing a number of things…
He is a God of order.  In numbering His men, he is showing that He has a purpose and a plan, and he is bringing together this plan even as we speak.
God is ‘assigning’ his men a number- he is giving them an assignment- both individually and collectively as a unit of force. There is great expectation in this assignment, because each member is needed. God would not just give a number haphazardly or accidentally. He would not assign say, ‘1, 2, 3, 4’ and then count ‘1, 2, ..4’, and say, ‘Oh well 3 isn’t here so we will go on- God never gives up on those who He has chosen. God would expect that the troops would rally around and ensure that each one is there at roll call- or in other words- when needed or expected.
When God assigns a number, He is really saying- you are important, you are unique, you have a place in the ‘order’ of things.
God is gathering His troops. Just as in the ‘physical army’, when you are assigned your number, it is that number that identifies you in that organisation. From then on, in your training and development thereafter, your achievement (or testimony) relates back to your ‘identity’, your number- it is very much like Paul, once known as Saul- whose ‘identity’ changed when he was given a new ‘assignment’ (or life’s purpose- God’s purpose- to build His kingdom). In gathering His troops, God has assigned you a number. You are in His army, and you will identify with that number, and the assignment that comes with that calling on your life.
 Even though God can count to infinity, and we would probably run out of breath if we tried, God knows each ‘numbered’ man intimately. He loves each one and seeks to have a personal relationship with each member. In this way, as each one is strengthened, this too strengthens the body, His army. Make your number count.
God works in numbers and with numbers, and so too must the body of Christ- not as lone soldiers. The battle will never be won that way.
Lastly- God needs His men to be numbered. If they weren’t, who then could he ‘count on’ to fight the battle?

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